【點心】巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate cake

下午茶。試作巧克力蛋糕 + 冰可可。大成功。

6吋做法 (蛋用要常溫,烤箱先預熱10分鐘):
鋼盆1攪:蛋黃3顆 + 棷欖油15g + 牛奶40g + 低筋麵粉 40g(過篩) + 可呵粉 15g(過篩)
鋼盆2攪:蛋白3顆用打蛋器打發  + 檸檬汁 5g + 糖 20g 分三次加入

謝謝好友美女倫的傳授 ^_^

chocolate cake (Dessert)
Afternoon tea. Try to make chocolate cake + ice cocoa. Great success.
Cost about $ 40 + Color Chocolate 5 yuan, about 20 minutes work, oven bake for about 30 minutes.

6 inch practices (egg to room temperature, preheat the oven 10 minutes):
Steel pan a stir: egg yolk 3 + Zou olive oil 15g + 40g + milk flour 40g (sifted) + to uh powder 15g (sifted)
Stir steel pots 2: Protein 3 Whisk lemon juice 5g + sent + 20g sugar added in three portions
Steel pots two stirred into a steel pot, stirred into a cooking method.
First 150 degrees and bake 20 minutes, then 180 degrees and bake for 10 minutes, with a wooden chopstick into the middle, did not paste is complete.
